Dancing Queen At Seventeen!

Business Studies torpedoed for our exam season fan
Vivienne Hall
May 31, 2024

Now officially the Dancing Queen at seventeen!

And my best present this year…I can finally drop Business Studies! After almost a full school year of having to sit through 11 lessons a fortnight, I have finished my AS papers, so I am now down to 3 subjects! Which couldn’t come too soon, with my wider reading list being ever expanding, and end of year exams on the horizon, I need all the revision time possible. I know, exams again. I feel like a broken record, always saying tests and exams are around the corner, but they just always are. The revision and test cycle has felt constant this year, and I know it will only get worse in Year 13…

Vv Hall and frieds celebrating er 17th birthday with a Connie the Caterpillar cake
Connie And The Caterpillars

But to be honest (and not to sound like a total geek), I actually quite like revision and exam season. This is mainly because I have always been someone that genuinely likes to learn new things, no matter what subject. Don’t get me wrong, I get bored in lessons sometimes as much as the next person, but I love to know things. I love it when people ask me random questions and I know the answer, which is probably why I like exams. That and because the idea of doing badly in an assessment freaks me out more than it probably should do, so I nearly always revise, therefore I feel confident when I am in the actual exam.

I am creature of habit though it has to be said. During my GCSE’s last year, I had the exact same routine every morning and night before an exam, and because I did well in my GCSE’s, it is now a ritual I do before every exam. Firstly, I get up in good time (rushing before a test is a recipe for disaster), I do my skincare and brush my teeth, and then go on to do a makeup. During exam season I always tend to take more care with my makeup, because I have the mentality that even if I do poorly on the test, at least I do so whilst looking my best. A vain mentality I know, but it works. It is then straight to my porridge and berries, that I enjoy with a coffee whilst watching one of my comfort shows, normally Miranda or Derry Girls. I never revise the morning before the exam, instead I prefer to just slow down a bit and relax.

Enjoying a ride at the funfair
The New-Look Theory Test

Other good news is that I passed my driving theory test with flying colours! I had my first lesson a few days ago now, and it still blows my mind how I am allowed to drive a car, on the road, with other people also on the road. I am feeling that quite a lot now that I am nearly an adult, that people actually now trust me with things. I can’t decide whether I like it or not. But one thing I definitely like: planning our girls' trip for next summer!

I have been particularly grateful for my friends this year. I have always been close with my friends, but due to the stress of Sixth Form, and just the general angst of growing up, spending time with them, and just being able to talk about things, and take my brain away from work and the future, has been very much appreciated. Being a girl at this age can at times, feel very lonely. It is the stage where you have come to realise that everyone has their own life, and your importance in other people’s lives can differ. And sometimes the people that you might value quite a lot, might not place you as highly, which can be quite painful, but often unchangeable. This, coupled with the inevitable fact that things never remain the same, can sometimes be quite challenging to accept. The realisation that this is my last year of being a kid has also hit me.

But anyway, I have no time to get philosophical, it won’t help me pass further maths!